Define AU contents¶
This task allows you to import the sequences expected in the structure from a variety of sequence file formats or a coordinate file. You can enter the expected number of copies - it is not critical that this is correct. The information is saved to a AU content object that is used in any subsequent task requiring sequence information. The AU content object corresponds to a file with the extension .asu.xml. You can use this task to edit an existing AU content - select the object to load it and then make any changes.
You can select an existing AU content object to edit(1).
You may need to click on a Show list button to enter more that one sequence (2) and then use the +/- buttons (3) to edit the list of sequences.
A sequence may be entered by cut-n-paste into the window or loading from a sequence or coordinate file (4). Any white space and most unexpected characters in the input will be removed before saving but if the sequence contains invalid letters (BJOUXZ) this will be highlighted as they may be from comments or some other issue that requires your attention. If a loaded file contains multiple sequences you will have the chance to select those required and the sequence list will be extended for more than one sequence input.
If you already have a sequence loaded using earlier versions of CCP4i2 then you can add the seqeunce object to a AU content.
The imported sequences and input and output files are reported.